“That my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11)

“That my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11)
On January 30th the Salesian family gathered in the Salesian Chapel in Pallaskenry to celebrate the ordination of Fr Vinh Hien Tran SDB. Bishop Brendan Leahy led a very prayerful and joyful ceremony. The many cultures, languages and countries on the altar is representative of the Salesian mission in Ireland today. Ireland is a multi-cultural country and the Salesians of Don Bosco have responded to this with multi-cultural communities.
Fr Vinh was surrounded by his parents, family and friends from Vietnam and Ireland. The Salesian secondary choir were in superb voice and provided uplifting and joyful music for the occasion. Bishop Leahy in his homily spoke of the Salesian charism and called to Vinh to work for the poor and needy today in the manner of our founder Don Bosco. He spoke of Synodality and the need to be part of a team in our ministry. He reflected on the contribution of the Salesians of Don Bosco to the diocese of Limerick over the past 100 years.
Fr Eunan McDonnell, Provincial, spoke of the invitation of the Salesians to Limerick by Bishop Denis Hallinan who as a student for the priesthood was interested in becoming a Salesian. He met Don Bosco in Turin but the latter advised him to “go home to your diocese and when you’re ordained, you’ll do more for the Salesians than you would by entering”. On January 10th, 1918 Fr. Hallinan was appointed bishop of Limerick. He was now in a position to provide an opening for Salesian works in Ireland. He wished to have an agricultural college in his diocese under the direction of religious. Negotiations were opened for the purchase of Copsewood house in Pallaskenry and the deeds were signed in September 1919. Bishop Leahy in response said it was something worth remembering how the actions of an individual can have such positive impact on a diocese and a country.
Fr Martin McCormack SDB