Don Bosco Ireland Volunteers (DBIV) is the volunteering branch of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Ireland. Our organisation provides and invites opportunities for young people and adults to participate in the Salesian Mission – both in Ireland and abroad.

Our Mission
At Don Bosco Ireland Volunteers, we offer adults the opportunity to serve the young, vulnerable and poor – while living and working alongside Salesian communities around the world. In this way, all Volunteers ‘learn through action’.
Our Focus
Whether in Ireland or abroad, we endeavour to ensure volunteers work on placements which match their abilities and are in line with their own personal interests, abilities and skills. At the same time, the placement must support the needs of the young people within the host Salesian community.
The Results
As a Don Bosco Ireland Volunteer you will:
- enjoy the opportunity of serving young people worldwide – working in solidarity with them towards shared goals;
- learn about the Salesian ethos; living and experiencing our way of life as faith in action;
- embrace the opportunity to live in a Salesian community and work on initiatives that tackle vital and specific global issues – such as injustice, climate change, poverty and education;
- have the chance to continue with Don Bosco Ireland Volunteers once you return from your placement.
Qualifying as an International DBIV Volunteer
As a Volunteer working abroad, you will need to be over 18 years of age and will be required to complete our induction programme.
You will be asked to commit to your placement for a period of 1-12 months. Through our many projects and initiatives, we have seen that volunteers and hosting communities benefit most, and enjoy a richer experience, when the placement project is for a period of 6 months or longer.
Qualifying as an Irish DBIV Volunteer
Volunteers working within Ireland can be under the age of 18, or an adult. You will need to complete an induction to the Salesian ethos, before being placed as a Volunteer in a local Salesian centre.
DBIV Commits to ensuring that we offer responsible Volunteer experiences for all involved. As a Volunteer, you will be offered on-going support throughout your placement – as well as upon your return home.
DBIV as a member of Comhlamh
Don Bosco Ireland Volunteers is a member of Comhlámh – a growing organisation that is committed to working for a just, equitable and sustainable world. Comhlámh promotes responsible international volunteering and development work, and supports people who wish to work for social justice.
Always with the goal of forging just, inclusive societies, the organisation helps volunteers, partner organisations and members take part in progressive grassroots activism – both locally and abroad.

For more information about Comhlámh please visit
Comhlámh’s Code of Good Practice
Comhlámh’s Code of Good Practice is a set of standards for Irish Volunteer Sending-Agencies which facilitates international placements. The Code is based on a vision of volunteers working in solidarity for a just, equitable and sustainable world. It promotes responsible and responsive volunteering – to ensure a positive impact for the overseas project and community, the Volunteer and the sending-agency.
The Code promotes development education – which enables people to more deeply understand the world around them and to address the root causes of inequality and poverty.
Every Volunteer-Sending Agency which subscribes to this Code of Good Practice, commits to the implementation of the Code’s five values. These values underpin the work of international volunteer programmes and are recognised as: solidarity, respect, social justice, ecological sustainability and integrity.
For full details of this Code visit